DVD du film Polyphonia – Les voix oubliées d’Albanie

polyphonia_EN_Bookletun film de Björn Reinhardt et Eckehard Pistrick

Disponible en DVD

Two shepherds in the Albanian mountains, Arif, a Muslim, and Anastas, an orthodox Christian, have been friends for years in spite of religious barriers. Their profound friendship is constantly strengthened by a local musical tradition, the polyphony. In 2005 this vocal tradition has been declared UNESCO-World Heritage.

The film sets up unforgettable images for the severe poetry, the harsh fates and the almost magical power of the human voice, which helps people in the mountains to master their surreal daily routine at a contradictory stage of post-socialist change. On another level, the film gives an example of how music – even in the Balkans – can build bridges between people and religions.

Production: Maramures Filmarchive

Longeur: 86′

Langues: Albanais, sous-titré en Anglais, Allemand

Disponible sur http://maramures.de/Archiv/Polyphonia/polyphonia.html ou en écrivant à valeavinului@aol.de

Participations: Off Europa Festival, Leipzig 2011 ; Norient Music Film Festival Berne, Switzerland 2012 ; GIEFF Göttingen Ethnographic Film Festival 2012 ; World Film Festival, Tartu, Estonia 2012.


Société française d'ethnomusicologie