The universe of music traditions involves various practices, genres and styles associated with rural and urban contexts that have undergone significant transformations in the last twenty years. These transformations are due, in large part, to sociocultural and technological changes, which include the impacts of digitization on music production and the reconfiguration of the music industry. In particular, the impact of the market for so-called “folk music”, “world music” and “early music” is felt in the practices of musicians within this universe, either through the emergence of new productions that merge traditional music from various sources and nationalities and of these with other genres; or by promoting the integration of these musicians in transnational circuits of music festivals and fairs. This universe also includes increasingly more artists who, either through the use of traditional instruments or through the influence of texts, melodies, rhythms and arrangements, are inspired by these genres and recreate them in original compositions. Many of these musicians are resorting to new independent modes of music production in the margins of the music industry, which coexist with more or less institutionalized local practices of state, regional and municipal support, as well as links to academia. This colloquium aims to debate the new practices, contexts and challenges faced by agents who participate in this universe from different perspectives and disciplines. Seeking a debate that is intended to be as wide as possible, the meeting will welcome presentations from areas such as ethnomusicology, anthropology, sociology and popular music studies, including contributions from researchers, musicians, producers, performers, journalists and collectors and/or other cultural agents. People interested in participating in this online event can send their proposals within the following topics, while it is also possible to include other related topics: Call for Papers | Music traditions in the 21st century: new practices, contexts and challenges Online Colloquium | 20-21 October 2023
Processes of festivalization and spectacularization of musical traditions
Appropriations, hybridizations and musical recreations
Music production, technological dynamics and the impacts of the digital
New circuits and markets for traditional music
New modes of organization and professional performance: DIY, entrepreneurship and sustainability Professional careers of musicians and other agents Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on music activity Gender issues: representativeness, representations and performativities KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Britta Sweers (Institute of Musicology, University of Bern) Jo Haynes (School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, University of Bristol) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Ana Resende Clément (Independent Researcher) Pedro Belchior Nunes (INET-md/ FCSH-Nova) Susana Moreno Fernández (University of Valladolid) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Ana Resende Clément (Independent Researcher) Eduardo Viñuela (University of Oviedo) Maria do Rosário Pestana (INET-md/ Universidade de Aveiro) Pedro Belchior Nunes (INET-md/ FCSH-Nova) Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco (INET-md/ FCSH-Nova) Susana Moreno Fernández (University of Valladolid) Susana Sardo (INET-md/ Universidade de Aveiro) PARTNERSHIPS Project I+D+i, “Turismo y procesos de espectacularización en las tradiciones musicales ibéricas contemporáneas” (PID2020-115959GB-I00) Gobierno de España Agencia Estatal de Investigación Universidad de Valladolid The official languages of the conference are Portuguese, Spanish and English The modes of participation are the following: 1. Individual papers (20 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion) 2. Thematic sessions (max. 4 papers per session). Proposals must include: Mode of participation For every author: name, institutional affiliation (if any), brief biography (max.100 words)and e-mail address For individual papers: title, abstract, max. 250 words and 3-5 keywords. For thematic sessions: session title, abstract 200-250 words, 3-5 keywords followed by title, abstract and keywords to each paper. Proposals must be sent as email attachments (.doc, .docx, .rtf) to: Submission of proposals deadline: 31 May 2023 Notification of accepted proposals deadline: 15 July 2023 CONTACT